Tutorial by Examples: customfield

Given the text file employee.txt 1|Arthur Dent 2|Marvin 3|Zaphod Beeblebrox $ mysqlimport --fields-terminated-by='|' mycompany employee.txt
// If you find yourself doing something like this... function fieldChanged(type, name, index) { if (name == 'salesrep') { var salesRepId = nlapiGetFieldValue('salesrep'); var salesRepEmail = nlapiLookupField('employee', salesRepId, 'email'); nlapiSetFieldValue('custb...
Let's get some theoretical knowledge before moving to the example. There are three important terms being used here Analyzers, Tokenizers, and Filters. To create such custom field you will need to create an analyzer with one tokenizer and one or more filters. As mentioned here, you can have only one ...
$service = new NetSuiteService(); $search = new TransactionSearchAdvanced(); $internalId = '123';//transaction internalId $search->criteria->basic->internalIdNumber->searchValue = $internalId; $search->criteria->basic->internalIdNumber->operator = "equalTo"; ...

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