Tutorial by Examples: device

TL;DR It basically allows us to simulate real devices and test our apps without a real device. According to Android Developer Documentation, an Android Virtual Device (AVD) definition lets you define the characteristics of an Android Phone, Tablet, Android Wear, or Android TV device that you w...
The following permissions are required to use the Bluetooth APIs: android.permission.BLUETOOTH android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN If you're targeting devices with Android 6.0 (API Level 23) or higher and want to perform scanning/advertising operations you will require a Location permission: a...
You can use Bluetooth LE Advertising to broadcast data packages to all nearby devices without having to establish a connection first. Bear in mind that there's a strict limit of 31 bytes of advertisement data. Advertising your device is also the first step towards letting other users connect to you....
OpenCL Kernels can be either executed on the GPU or the CPU. This allows for fallback solutions, where the customer may have a very outdated system. The programmer can also choose to limit their functionality to either the CPU or GPU. To get started using OpenCL, you'll need a 'Context' and a 'Devi...
Sonim devices have varying by model a lot of different custom buttons: PTT_KEY com.sonim.intent.action.PTT_KEY_DOWN com.sonim.intent.action.PTT_KEY_UP YELLOW_KEY com.sonim.intent.action.YELLOW_KEY_DOWN com.sonim.intent.action.YELLOW_KEY_UP SOS_KEY com.sonim.intent.action.SOS_KEY_DOWN co...
PTT Button android.intent.action.PTT.down android.intent.action.PTT.up Confirmed on: RG730, RG740A
hello_world.c #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/init.h> #define AUTHOR "Bruce Lee" #define DESC "Hello World driver" static int __init init(void) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "Hello World\n"); return 0;...
To ensure that a GPU version TensorFlow process only runs on CPU: import os os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"]="-1" import tensorflow as tf For more information on the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES, have a look to this answer or to the CUDA documentation.
To use a particular set of GPU devices, the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable can be used: import os os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"]="PCI_BUS_ID" # see issue #152 os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"]="0" # Will use only the first GPU device os.en...
from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib print(device_lib.list_local_devices())
The below example uses Android.Runtime.InputStreamInvoker and Android.Runtime.OutputStreamInvoker types obtain Java.IO.InputStream and Java.IO.OutputStream. Once we have a Java.IO.InputStream instance, we can use its .Available() method to get the number of available response bytes which we can use...
Using Intents to Load the Image from Gallery. Initially you need to have the permission <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/> Use the Following Code to have the layout as designed follows. <?xml version="1.0" enco...

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