Tutorial by Examples: di

Refer the example here: https://github.com/NewtonJoshua/Azure-ADB2C-Angularjs-sample Azure AD B2C Azure AD B2C is a cloud identity management solution for your web and mobile applications. It is a highly available global service that scales to hundreds of millions of identities. Mobile app - ADAL...
Refer the example in https://github.com/NewtonJoshua/Azure-ADB2C-Angularjs-sample Web app implementation uses Hello.js that performs identity management with Azure AD B2C . Hello.js is a client-side JavaScript SDK for authenticating with OAuth2 web services and querying REST APIs. jwtHelper of ang...
Each element of text you want to use distinct formatting on should be added separately, by adding to the cell's RichText collection property. var cell = ws.Cells[1,1]; cell.IsRichText = true; // Cell contains RichText rather than basic values cell.Style.WrapText = true; // Required to honor n...
To enable disk persistence you should enable the flag persistenceEnabled in the FirebaseDatabaseInstance object of your application: Android FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().setPersistenceEnabled(true); iOS Database.database().isPersistenceEnabled = true //Swift [FIRDatabase database].persisten...
Now, let's imagine we have 1 large file (e.g. 30 GB) that needs to be converted, line by line. Say we have a script, convert.sh, that does this <task>. We can pipe contents of this file to stdin for parallel to take in and work with in chunks such as <stdin> | parallel --pipe --block &l...
php -S localhost:80 -t project/public router.php PHP 7.1.7 Development Server started at Fri Jul 14 15:22:25 2017 Listening on http://localhost:80 Document root is /home/project/public Press Ctrl-C to quit.
This returns a map without the key-value pairs for the keys mentioned in the function argument. It can be used to remove information from existing map. (dissoc {:a 1 :b 2} :a) ;; {:b 2} It can also be used for dissocing multiple keys as: (dissoc {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3} :a :b) ;; {:c 3}
├───models │ ├───user.model.js ├───routes │ ├───user.route.js ├───services │ ├───user.service.js ├───controllers │ ├───user.controller.js For modular code structure the logic should be divided into these directories and files. Models - The schema definition of the Model Rou...
Tables are most easily included with the DT package, which is an R interface to the JavaScript library DataTables. library(shiny) library(DT) ui <- fluidPage( dataTableOutput('myTable') ) server <- function(input, output, session){ output$myTable <- renderDataTable({ dat...
There are various approach to read a excel file. I'll provide a example with file path parameter. You can get various way to read a file at this post. public void ReadExcel(string path) { // Write data in workbook from xls document. XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSS...
The rule Another common case we usually find and where it is useful to apply this technique are progressive rates based on values. An e-commerce has an offer that is like: 10% off for orders above US$ 80.00 15% off for orders above US$ 150.00 25% off for orders above US$ 200.00 How to appl...
LibGDX is designed in a way that you can write the same code and deploy it on several different platforms. Yet, there are times when you want to get access to platform specific code. For an instance, if you have leaderboards and achievements in your game, you may want to use platform-specific tools ...
It is also possible to have an user upload csv's to your Shiny app. The code below shows a small example on how this can be achieved. It also includes a radioButton input so the user can interactively choose the separator to be used. library(shiny) library(DT) # Define UI ui <- shinyUI(flui...
<div ng-app="MainApp" ng-controller="SampleController"> <input ng-model="dishName" id="search" class="form-control" placeholder="Filter text"> <ul> <li dir-paginate="dish in dishes | filter : di...
To start a new project in Visual Studio 2010: Click File Menu Select Project Next, we have project types and available languages listed : Select Languages available from left most panel [Below we have languages like Visual C#, VB, F# etc] Once we select languages from installed template...
File Commands File.NewProject : CTRL + SHIFT + N Displays the New Project dialog box. File.OpenProject: CTRL + SHIFT + O Displays the Open Project dialog box, where existing projects can be added to the solution. Project.AddClass: SHIFT + ALT + C Displays the Add N...
Visual Studio Community 2017 Free, fully-featured IDE for students, open-source and individual developer Visual Studio Professional 2017 Professional developer tools, services, and subscription benefits for small teams Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 End-to-end solution to meet demand...
To load a class we first need to define it. The class is defined by the ClassLoader. There's just one problem, Oracle didn't write the ClassLoader's code with this feature available. To define the class we will need to access a method named defineClass() which is a private method of the ClassLoader....
Use LocalDate and ChronoUnit: LocalDate d1 = LocalDate.of(2017, 5, 1); LocalDate d2 = LocalDate.of(2017, 5, 18); now, since the method between of the ChronoUnit enumerator takes 2 Temporals as parameters so you can pass without a problem the LocalDate instances long days = ChronoUnit.DAYS.betw...

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