Tutorial by Examples: dp

Ada.Text_IO.Editing offers formatting decimal fixed point values using “picture strings”. These describe output using “magical” characters for separators, currency signs, etc. with Ada.Text_IO.Editing; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Print_Value is Max_Count : constant := 1_000_000; ...
In angular-cli.json you can change the app configuration. If you want to add ng2-bootstrap for example: npm install ng2-bootstrap --save or yarn add ng2-bootstrap In angular-cli.json just add the path of the bootstrap at node-modules. "scripts": [ "../node_modules/jqu...
How To Choose A Theme Each WordPress install comes with a pre-installed theme. You manage your themes from the Dashboard. Go to Appearance > Themes to install, preview, delete, activate, and update Themes. The current theme is found in the upper left corner of this menu. Hovering over the theme...
project('Posix-based Project', 'vala') add_project_arguments(['--nostdpkg'], language: 'vala') posix_dep = meson.get_compiler('vala').find_library('posix') executable('foo', 'foo.vala', dependencies: [posix_dep])
This examples uses the AES algorithm for encrypting passwords. The salt length can be up to 128 bit. We are using the SecureRandom class to generate a salt, which is combined with the password to generate a secret key. The classes used are already existing in Android packages javax.crypto and java....
Create a workspace mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src cd ~/catkin_ws/src catkin_init_workspace Build your workspace cd ~/catkin_ws/ catkin_make Source your setup file source devel/setup.bash Create a new package named hello_world with some basic dependencies catkin_create_pkg hello_world std_m...
By unlisted package, I mean a package that is not available through Package Control (yet). So, you can't find it in packagecontrol.io. BUT, you can still install it using Package Control, so you'll get all the advantages. For example, they'll be automatically updated, just like a "regular&quot...
Download WordPress core $ wp core download --locale=nl_NL Install WordPress $ wp core install --url=example.com --title=Example --admin_user=supervisor --admin_password=strongpassword [email protected] Display the WordPress version $ wp core version Transform a single-site i...
This part of development you should serialize the python RDD to the JVM. This process uses the main development of Spark to call the jar function. from pyspark.serializers import PickleSerializer, AutoBatchedSerializer rdd = sc.parallelize(range(10000)) reserialized_rdd = rdd._reserialize(Aut...
Gradle (All Versions) This method works for all versions of gradle Add the buildscript code at the beginning of your build.gradle file. buildscript { repositories { maven { url "https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/" } } dependencies { classpath "org.example...
Gradle (All Versions) When adding multiple third party plugins you do not need to separate them into different instances of the buildscript(All) or plugin(2.1+) code, new plug ins can be added alongside pre-existing plugins. buildscript { repositories { maven { url "https://plu...
Navigate to project's app module and create libs directory. Place your .aar file there. For example myLib.aar. Add the code below to android block of app level's build.gradle file. repositories { flatDir { dirs 'libs' } } This way you defined a new ext...
Code get_the_title( 44 ); Output The title of the post id:44.
It is possible to use integer variables with latex. To create a new variable we need the \newcounter{name} command, where name is the name of the new counter. The name must contain only letters. This command creates a new one with name \thename. With this command we can print name variable onto the ...
import sys from PyQt4 import QtGui def window(): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) w = QtGui.QWidget() b = QtGui.QLabel(w) b.setText("Hello World!") w.setGeometry(100,100,200,50) b.move(50,20) w.setWindowTitle("PyQt") w.show() sys.exit(app...
A fixed point type definition specifies a delta, and a range. Together, they describe how precisely real values should be approximated as they are represented by powers of two, not using floating point hardware. Shoe_Ounce : constant := 2.54 / 64.0; type Thickness is delta Shoe_Ounce range 0.00 .....
Decimal fixed point types are typically used in accounting. They are characterised by both a delta and a number of decimal digits. Their arithmetical operations reflect the rules of accounting. type Money is delta 0.001 digits 10; Oil_Price : Money := 56.402; Loss : Money := 0.002 / 3; -- ...
If you're accepting user input for folder paths, you might need to check for trailing backslashes (\) before building a file path. The FSO.BuildPath method makes this simpler: Const sourceFilePath As String = "C:\Temp" '<-- Without trailing backslash Const targetFilePath As Strin...
If you add controls from third party libraries in a C# WPF project, the XAML file will normally have lines like this one. xmlns:xctk="http://schemas.xceed.com/wpf/xaml/toolkit" This will perhaps not work with FsXaml. The designer and the compiler accepts that line, but there will prob...
import sys from PyQt4 import QtGui def window(): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) w = QtGui.QWidget() b = QtGui.QLabel(w) b.setText("<h1>Welcome to PyQt4 SO Documentation!</h1>") w.setGeometry(100,100,550,65) b.move(50,20) w.setWindowTitle(&quo...

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