Tutorial by Examples

The wasd-controls component controls an entity with the W, A, S and D or arrow keyboard keys. The wasd-controls component is commonly attached to an entity with the camera component. <a-entity camera look-controls wasd-controls></a-entity> For azerty keyboards, you could use Z, Q, S...
The look-controls component: Rotates the entity when we rotate a VR head-mounted display (HMD). Rotates the entity when we click-drag mouse. Rotates the entity when we touch-drag the touchscreen. The look-controls component is usually used alongside the camera component. <a-entity came...
A-Frame 0.x0.3 A-Frame provides an implementation for supporting multiple types of 6DoF controllers (Vive, Oculus Touch) via the hand-controls component. The hand-controls component is primarily for 6DoF controllers since it’s geared towards room scale interactions such as grabbing objects. The han...
A-Frame 0.x0.3 The tracked-controls component is A-Frame’s base controller component that provides the foundation for all of A-Frame’s controller components. The tracked-controls component: Grabs a Gamepad object from the Gamepad API given an ID or prefix. Applies pose (position and orien...
Adding 3DoF Controllers Controllers with 3 degrees of freedom (3DoF) are limited to rotational tracking. 3DoF controllers have no positional tracking meaning we can’t reach out nor move our hand back-and-forth or up-and-down. Having a controller with only 3DoF is like having a hand and wrist withou...
Mouse controls are only supported outside the VR modus and could be use for games without a HMD. For more information about mouse controls, you could find in the mouse cursor example. <a-scene> <a-entity camera look-controls mouse-cursor> </a-scene>

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