Tutorial by Examples

To create a pure JSON table you need to provide a single field with the type JSONB: CREATE TABLE mytable (data JSONB NOT NULL); You should also create a basic index: CREATE INDEX mytable_idx ON mytable USING gin (data jsonb_path_ops); At this point you can insert data in to the table and que...
Taking a complex JSON document in a table: CREATE TABLE mytable (data JSONB NOT NULL); CREATE INDEX mytable_idx ON mytable USING gin (data jsonb_path_ops); INSERT INTO mytable VALUES($$ { "name": "Alice", "emails": [ "[email protected]", ...
Creating a DB and a Table DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS books_db; CREATE DATABASE books_db WITH ENCODING='UTF8' TEMPLATE template0; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS books; CREATE TABLE books ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, client TEXT NOT NULL, data JSONb NOT NULL ); Populating the DB INSERT INTO books...

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