Tutorial by Examples

This is shortest, easiest and most commonly used method. Unfortunately, it has one major limitation - cannot be used on searches with more than 4000 results (rows). // Assume that 'N/search' module is included as 'search' var s = search.create({ type : search.Type.TRANSACTIO...
In order to use getRange for handling the large number of results, we will have to consider the following: getRange has 2 parameters: start and end. Always positive, always (start < end) start is the inclusive index of the first result to return end is the exclusive index of the last result...
PagedData is an object, returned by the Search.runPaged(options) method. It works exactly as the UI searches do. PagedData object contains 2 important properties, that you can see on the right side of results header in search results page in Netsuite UI: count (the total number of the results) p...
For really huge search results, you can use dedicated Map/Reduce script. It is much more inconvenient, but sometimes unavoidable. And sometimes could be very handy. The trick here is, that in Get Input Data stage, you can provide to the NS engine not the actual data (i.e. script result), but just t...

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