Tutorial by Examples

Artisan is a utility that can help you do specific repetitive tasks with bash commands. It covers many tasks, including: working with database migrations and seeding, clearing cache, creating necessary files for Authentication setup, making new controllers, models, event classes, and a lot more. ...
php artisan route:list --method=GET --method=POST This will include all routes that accept GET and POST methods simultaneously.
You can also use Laravel Artisan commands from your routes or controllers. To run a command using PHP code: Artisan::call('command-name'); For example, Artisan::call('db:seed');
You can create new commands via php artisan make:command [commandName] So this will create [commandName] command class inside app/Console/Commands directory. inside this class you will find protected $signature and protected $description variables, it represents name and discription of your comma...

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