Tutorial by Examples

To perform actions in Django using commandline or other services (where the user/request is not used), you can use the management commands. Django modules can be imported as needed. For each command a separate file needs to be created: myapp/management/commands/my_command.py (The management and...
You can get list of available commands by following way: >>> python manage.py help If you don't understand any command or looking for optional arguments then you can use -h argument like this >>> python manage.py command_name -h Here command_name will be your desire command...
You can get rid of manage.py and use the django-admin command instead. To do so, you will have to manually do what manage.py does: Add your project path to your PYTHONPATH Set the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE export PYTHONPATH="/home/me/path/to/your_project" export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE...
Django comes with a number of builtin management commands, using python manage.py [command] or, when manage.py has +x (executable) rights simply ./manage.py [command] . The following are some of the most frequently used: Get a list of all available commands ./manage.py help Run your Django ser...

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