Tutorial by Examples

This Activity code will provide basic functionality for including a Google Map using a SupportMapFragment. The Google Maps V2 API includes an all-new way to load maps. Activities now have to implement the OnMapReadyCallBack interface, which comes with a onMapReady() method override that is execute...
Map Style Google Maps come with a set of different styles to be applied, using this code : // Sets the map type to be "hybrid" map.setMapType(GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_HYBRID); The different map styles are : Normal map.setMapType(GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_NORMAL); Typical road map. Roads, s...
To add markers to a Google Map, for example from an ArrayList of MyLocation Objects, we can do it this way. The MyLocation holder class: public class MyLocation { LatLng latLng; String title; String snippet; } Here is a method that would take a list of MyLocation Objects and place a M...
It is possible to treat a GoogleMap as an Android view if we make use of the provided MapView class. Its usage is very similar to MapFragment. In your layout use MapView as follows: <com.google.android.gms.maps.MapView xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" ...
Here is a full Activity class that places a Marker at the current location, and also moves the camera to the current position. There are a few thing going on in sequence here: Check Location permission Once Location permission is granted, call setMyLocationEnabled(), build the GoogleApiClient, ...
In order to obtain a Google Maps API key for your certificate, you must provide the API console with the SH1-fingerprint of your debug/release keystore. You can obtain the keystore by using the JDK's keytool program as described here in the docs. Another approach is to obtain the fingerprint progr...
When a Google Map is displayed in lite mode clicking on a map will open the Google Maps application. To disable this functionality you must call setClickable(false) on the MapView, e.g.: final MapView mapView = (MapView)view.findViewById(R.id.map); mapView.setClickable(false);
Using UISettings, the appearance of the Google Map can be modified. Here is an example of some common settings: mGoogleMap.setMapType(GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_HYBRID); mGoogleMap.getUiSettings().setMapToolbarEnabled(true); mGoogleMap.getUiSettings().setZoomControlsEnabled(true); mGoog...
Open Android Studio Open Your Project Click on Gradle (From Right Side Panel, you will see Gradle Bar) Click on Refresh (Click on Refresh from Gradle Bar, you will see List Gradle scripts of your Project) Click on Your Project (Your Project Name form List (root)) Click on Tasks Click on andr...
Here is an example of how to define a different action for each Marker's InfoWindow click event. Use a HashMap in which the marker ID is the key, and the value is the corresponding action it should take when the InfoWindow is clicked. Then, use a OnInfoWindowClickListener to handle the event of a ...
By changing mappoint x and y values as you need you can change offset possition of google map,by default it will be in the center of the map view. Call below method where you want to change it! Better to use it inside your onLocationChanged like changeOffsetCenter(location.getLatitude(),location.ge...

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