Tutorial by Examples

In normal mode: ~ inverts the case of the character under the cursor, gu{motion} lowercases the text covered by {motion}, gU{motion} uppercases the text covered by {motion} Example (^ marks the cursor position): Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. ^ Lorem ipSum dolor sit amet. ~ Lorem...
In normal mode, we can increment the nearest number on the line at or after the cursor with <C-a> and decrement it with <C-x>. In the following examples, the cursor position is indicated by ^. Incrementing and decrementing numbers for i in range(11): ^ <C-x> decrements ...
In normal mode: gg go to top = then G
One of the ways to think about the commands that should be executed, to edit a text in a certain manner, is as entire sentences. A command is an action performed on an object. Therefore it has a verb: :normal i " insert :normal a " append :normal c " overwrite :normal y ...

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