Tutorial by Examples

Spacemacs is a popular starter kit for emacs. It features a robust package management solution and centers around emacs's popular evil mode, which provides many of the keybindings from vim. It is called Spacemacs because it uses the Space key as the leader key (the idea is similar to Vim's leader k...
Prelude is another popular starter kit. It features good support for various programming languages out-of-the-box including, notably - clojure. On *nix systems it can be installed with the following command: curl -L https://git.io/epre | sh
emacs-live is another popular emacs starter kit, with an additional focus on live music coding using overtone. You can install it in 2 ways: On *nix (e.g. linux, OSX, etc.) systems, run the following command on the command-line: bash <(curl -fksSL https://raw.github.com/overtone/emacs-l...
Scimax is an Emacs starter kit focused on reproducible research, targeted mainly at scientists and engineers. Scimax customizes Org-Mode with features that make cross-referencing, exporting, and coding (in particular Python), simpler. Installation instructions can be found on the landing page of th...

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