Tutorial by Examples

<PROJECT_ROOT>\app\build.gradle is specific for app module. <PROJECT_ROOT>\build.gradle is a "Top-level build file" where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules. If you use another module in your project, as a local library you would have another...
/** * The buildscript {} block is where you configure the repositories and * dependencies for Gradle itself--meaning, you should not include dependencies * for your modules here. For example, this block includes the Android plugin for * Gradle as a dependency because it provides the addition...
/** * The first line in the build configuration applies the Android plugin for * Gradle to this build and makes the android {} block available to specify * Android-specific build options. */ apply plugin: 'com.android.application' /** * The android {} block is where you configure all...
You can use the archivesBaseName to set the name of apk. For example: defaultConfig { .... project.ext.set("archivesBaseName", "MyName-" + defaultConfig.versionName); } You will obtain this output. MyName-X.X.X-release.apk

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