Tutorial by Examples

git log will display all your commits with the author and hash. This will be shown over multiple lines per commit. (If you wish to show a single line per commit, look at onelineing). Use the q key to exit the log. By default, with no arguments, git log lists the commits made in that reposito...
git log --oneline will show all of your commits with only the first part of the hash and the commit message. Each commit will be in a single line, as the oneline flag suggests. The oneline option prints each commit on a single line, which is useful if you’re looking at a lot of commits. - sou...
To see the log in a prettier graph-like structure use: git log --decorate --oneline --graph sample output : * e0c1cea (HEAD -> maint, tag: v2.9.3, origin/maint) Git 2.9.3 * 9b601ea Merge branch 'jk/difftool-in-subdir' into maint |\ | * 32b8c58 difftool: use Git::* functions instead of...
To see the log with changes inline, use the -p or --patch options. git log --patch Example (from Trello Scientist repository) ommit 8ea1452aca481a837d9504f1b2c77ad013367d25 Author: Raymond Chou <[email protected]> Date: Wed Mar 2 10:35:25 2016 -0800 fix readme error link diff ...
git log -S"#define SAMPLES" Searches for addition or removal of specific string or the string matching provided REGEXP. In this case we're looking for addition/removal of the string #define SAMPLES. For example: +#define SAMPLES 100000 or -#define SAMPLES 100000 git log -G&q...
git shortlog summarizes git log and groups by author If no parameters are given, a list of all commits made per committer will be shown in chronological order. $ git shortlog Committer 1 (<number_of_commits>): Commit Message 1 Commit Message 2 ... Committer 2 (<number_of_...
git log --after '3 days ago' Specific dates work too: git log --after 2016-05-01 As with other commands and flags that accept a date parameter, the allowed date format is as supported by GNU date (highly flexible). An alias to --after is --since. Flags exist for the converse too: --before ...
$ git log -L 1,20:index.html commit 6a57fde739de66293231f6204cbd8b2feca3a869 Author: John Doe <[email protected]> Date: Tue Mar 22 16:33:42 2016 -0500 commit message diff --git a/index.html b/index.html --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -1,17 +1,20 @@ <!DOCTYPE HTML> ...
git log --graph --pretty=format:'%C(red)%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %C(green)(%cr) %C(yellow)<%an>%Creset' The format option allows you to specify your own log output format: ParameterDetails%C(color_name)option colors the output that comes after it%h or %Habbreviates commit hash (us...
tree = log --oneline --decorate --source --pretty=format:'"%Cblue %h %Cgreen %ar %Cblue %an %C(yellow) %d %Creset %s"' --all --graph example * 40554ac 3 months ago Alexander Zolotov Merge pull request #95 from gmandnepr/external_plugins |\ | * e509f61 3 months ago Ievg...
git log master..foo will show the commits that are on foo and not on master. Helpful for seeing what commits you've added since branching!
git log --stat Example: commit 4ded994d7fc501451fa6e233361887a2365b91d1 Author: Manassés Souza <[email protected]> Date: Mon Jun 6 21:32:30 2016 -0300 MercadoLibre java-sdk dependency mltracking-poc/.gitignore | 1 + mltracking-poc/pom.xml | 14 ++++++++++++-- ...
Using git show we can view a single commit git show 48c83b3 git show 48c83b3690dfc7b0e622fd220f8f37c26a77c934 Example commit 48c83b3690dfc7b0e622fd220f8f37c26a77c934 Author: Matt Clark <[email protected]> Date: Wed May 4 18:26:40 2016 -0400 The commit message will be show...
Searching git log using some string in log: git log [options] --grep "search_string" Example: git log --all --grep "removed file" Will search for removed file string in all logs in all branches. Starting from git 2.4+, the search can be inverted using the --invert-grep...

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