Tutorial by Examples

After creating an IAP in iTunesConnect: In the view controller that you want to buy in import StoreKit and add the relevant delegates class ViewController: UIViewController, SKProductsRequestDelegate, SKPaymentTransactionObserver { declare a variable with the product id from iTunesConnect ...
In iTunesConnect, select the app which you want to add an IAP to. Click on features and you will see this: Click the plus. You will then need to select which type of IAP you want to make. Then you will need to fill out all of the information for your IAP. If you have any trouble you can cons...
Assuming you know the productID: First import StoreKit Then in your code let productID: Set = ["premium"] let request = SKProductsRequest(productIdentifiers: productID) request.delegate = self request.start() and in the SKProductsRequestDelegate: func productsRequest(request: ...

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