Tutorial by Examples

Signed integers can be of these types (the int after short, or long is optional): signed char c = 127; /* required to be 1 byte, see remarks for further information. */ signed short int si = 32767; /* required to be at least 16 bits. */ signed int i = 32767; /* required to be at least 16 bits */ ...
A string literal in C is a sequence of chars, terminated by a literal zero. char* str = "hello, world"; /* string literal */ /* string literals can be used to initialize arrays */ char a1[] = "abc"; /* a1 is char[4] holding {'a','b','c','\0'} */ char a2[4] = "abc"...
C99 The header <stdint.h> provides several fixed-width integer type definitions. These types are optional and only provided if the platform has an integer type of the corresponding width, and if the corresponding signed type has a two's complement representation of negative values. See the r...
The C language has three mandatory real floating point types, float, double, and long double. float f = 0.314f; /* suffix f or F denotes type float */ double d = 0.314; /* no suffix denotes double */ long double ld = 0.314l; /* suffix l or L denotes long double */ /* the differen...
A distinctive syntactic peculiarity of C is that declarations mirror the use of the declared object as it would be in a normal expression. The following set of operators with identical precedence and associativity are reused in declarators, namely: the unary * "dereference" operator wh...

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