Tutorial by Examples

Git will usually open an editor (like vim or emacs) when you run git commit. Pass the -m option to specify a message from the command line: git commit -m "Commit message here" Your commit message can go over multiple lines: git commit -m "Commit 'subject line' message here Mor...
If your latest commit is not published yet (not pushed to an upstream repository) then you can amend your commit. git commit --amend This will put the currently staged changes onto the previous commit. Note: This can also be used to edit an incorrect commit message. It will bring up the default...
Usually, you have to use git add or git rm to add changes to the index before you can git commit them. Pass the -a or --all option to automatically add every change (to tracked files) to the index, including removals: git commit -a If you would like to also add a commit message you would do: g...
Generally speaking, empty commits (or commits with state that is identical to the parent) is an error. However, when testing build hooks, CI systems, and other systems that trigger off a commit, it's handy to be able to easily create commits without having to edit/touch a dummy file. The --allow-e...
The basics After making changes to your source code, you should stage those changes with Git before you can commit them. For example, if you change README.md and program.py: git add README.md program.py This tells git that you want to add the files to the next commit you do. Then, commit your...
If someone else wrote the code you are committing, you can give them credit with the --author option: git commit -m "msg" --author "John Smith <[email protected]>" You can also provide a pattern, which Git will use to search for previous authors: git commit -m &quo...
You can commit changes made to specific files and skip staging them using git add: git commit file1.c file2.h Or you can first stage the files: git add file1.c file2.h and commit them later: git commit
It is important for someone traversing through the git log to easily understand what each commit was all about. Good commit messages usually include a number of a task or an issue in a tracker and a concise description of what has been done and why, and sometimes also how it has been done. Better m...
git commit -m 'Fix UI bug' --date 2016-07-01 The --date parameter sets the author date. This date will appear in the standard output of git log, for example. To force the commit date too: GIT_COMMITTER_DATE=2016-07-01 git commit -m 'Fix UI bug' --date 2016-07-01 The date parameter accepts t...
Suppose you have many changes in one or more files but from each file you only want to commit some of the changes, you can select the desired changes using: git add -p or git add -p [file] Each of your changes will be displayed individually, and for each change you will be prompted to choose...
You cam amend the time of a commit using git commit --amend --date="Thu Jul 28 11:30 2016 -0400" or even git commit --amend --date="now"
If you make a commit as the wrong author, you can change it, and then amend git config user.name "Full Name" git config user.email "[email protected]" git commit --amend --reset-author
Determine your key ID gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG /Users/davidcondrey/.gnupg/secring.gpg -------------------------------------- sec 2048R/YOUR-16-DIGIT-KEY-ID YYYY-MM-DD [expires: YYYY-MM-DD] Your ID is a alphanumeric 16-digit code following the first forward-slash. ...

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