Tutorial by Examples

The function rand() can be used to generate a pseudo-random integer value between 0 and RAND_MAX (0 and RAND_MAX included). srand(int) is used to seed the pseudo-random number generator. Each time rand() is seeded wih the same seed, it must produce the same sequence of values. It should only be see...
Here's a standalone random number generator that doesn't rely on rand() or similar library functions. Why would you want such a thing? Maybe you don't trust your platform's builtin random number generator, or maybe you want a reproducible source of randomness independent of any particular library ...
Usually when generating random numbers it is useful to generate integers within a range, or a p value between 0.0 and 1.0. Whilst modulus operation can be used to reduce the seed to a low integer this uses the low bits, which often go through a short cycle, resulting in a slight skewing of distribut...
A good and easy alternative to the flawed rand() procedures, is xorshift, a class of pseudo-random number generators discovered by George Marsaglia. The xorshift generator is among the fastest non-cryptographically-secure random number generators. More information and other example implementaions ar...

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