Tutorial by Examples

JSP hooks are a special liferay plugin that allow to modify core portlet jsp-s, lets say you want to modify the login portlet to show Welcome in my custom login!. The minimal structure for a Hook Plugin is as follows: [project-name]-hook/ └── docroot/ ├── WEB-INF/ │ ├── src/ ...
This type of Hook can be used to override core portal (e.g c/portal/login) and portlet struts actions (e.g /login/forgot_password), this actions for Liferay Portal are specified in a struts-config.xml file in its WEB-INF folder.To override an action: in liferay-hook.xml file of your hook plugin u...
This example will show how to make a simple "Hello User [name]" after the login. The example is based on performing a custom action using a hook From your command line terminal, navigate to your Plugins SDK’s hooks folder. To create a hook project, you must execute the create script. Her...
Background Model Listener hook's are a type of Liferay plugin that listens for events taken on an model and executes code in response. Model Listener hooks are similar to Custom Struts Action hooks in that they respond to an action taken in the portal. However while Struts actions respond to an a...

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