Tutorial by Examples

var go = GameObject.Find("NameOfTheObject"); ProsConsEasy to usePerformance degrades along the number of gameobjects in sceneStrings are weak references and suspect to user errors
var go = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); ProsConsPossible to search both single objects and entire groupsStrings are weak references and suspect to user errors.Relatively fast and efficientCode is not portable as tags are hard coded in scripts.
[SerializeField] GameObject[] gameObjects; ProsConsGreat performanceObject collection is staticPortable codeCan only refer to GameObjects from the same scene
ExampleScript script = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<ExampleScript>(); GameObject go = script.gameObject; FindObjectOfType() returns null if none is found. ProsConsStrongly typedPerformance degrades along the number of gameobjects needed to evaluatePossible to search both single objects...
Transform tr = GetComponent<Transform>().Find("NameOfTheObject"); GameObject go = tr.gameObject; Find returns null if none is found ProsConsLimited, well defined search scopeStrings are weak references

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