Tutorial by Examples

In jQuery you can select elements in a page using many various properties of the element, including: Type Class ID Possession of Attribute Attribute Value Indexed Selector Pseudo-state If you know CSS selectors you will notice selectors in jQuery are the same (with minor exceptions). Ta...
Consider following DOM Structure <ul class="parentUl"> <li> Level 1 <ul class="childUl"> <li>Level 1-1 <span> Item - 1 </span></li> <li>Level 1-1 <span> Item - 2 </span></li&gt...
Elements can be selected by jQuery using jQuery Selectors. The function returns either an element or a list of elements. Basic selectors $("*") // All elements $("div") // All <div> elements $(".blue") ...
Each time you use a selector in jQuery the DOM is searched for elements that match your query. Doing this too often or repeatedly will decrease performance. If you refer to a specific selector more than once you should add it to the cache by assigning it to a variable: var nav = $('#navigation'); ...
jQuery accepts a wide variety of parameters, and one of them is an actual DOM element. Passing a DOM element to jQuery will cause the underlying array-like structure of the jQuery object to hold that element. jQuery will detect that the argument is a DOM element by inspecting its nodeType. The mos...
jQuery accepts a wide variety of parameters as "selectors", and one of them is an HTML string. Passing an HTML string to jQuery will cause the underlying array-like structure of the jQuery object to hold the resulting constructed HTML. jQuery uses regex to determine if the string being pa...

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