Tutorial by Examples

Ada is a programming language for which there exists multiple compilers. One of these compilers, and perhaps the most used, is GNAT. It is part of the GCC toolchain. It can be installed from several sources: The yearly GPL release done by AdaCore, available for free on libre site. This ver...
with Ada.Text_IO; procedure Hello_World is begin Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Hello World"); end Hello_World; Alternatively, after importing the package Ada.Text_IO, you can say use Ada.Text_IO; in order to be able to use Put_Line without explicitly declaring what package it should c...
The standard Ada programming language is defined in the Ada Reference Manual. Interim version changes and release notes are discussed in the corresponding rationale documents. Implementations typically document their compliance with the standard in the form of a user guide and/or reference manual, f...
As for any programming language, Ada comes with extensive libraries to accomplish various tasks. Here are some pointers to some of them, although searching on github will lead some more. The Ada runtime itself, distributed will all compilers, includes an extensive set of packages and annexes, r...

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