Tutorial by Examples

You can create a task (Console Command) in Laravel using Artisan. From your command line: php artisan make:console MyTaskName This creates the file in app/Console/Commands/MyTaskName.php. It will look like this: <?php namespace App\Console\Commands; use Illuminate\Console\Command; c...
You can make a task available to Artisan and to your application in the app/Console/Kernel.php file. The Kernel class contains an array named $commands which make your commands available to your application. Add your command to this array, in order to make it available to Artisan and your applicat...
When your command is made available to your application, you can use Laravel to schedule it to run at pre-defined intervals, just like you would a CRON. In The app/Console/Kernel.php file you will find a schedule method that you can use to schedule your task. <?php namespace App\Console; ...
The scheduler can be run using the command: php artisan schedule:run The scheduler needs to be run every minute in order to work correctly. You can set this up by creating a cron job with the following line, which runs the scheduler every minute in the background. * * * * * php /path/to/artisan...

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