Tutorial by Examples

Download and install, either via Homebrew, or from website. For Brew, brew install git-lfs git lfs install Often you will also need to do some setup on the service that hosts your remote to allow it to work with lfs. This will be different for each host, but will likely just be checking a box sa...
A common workflow for using Git LFS is to declare which files are intercepted through a rules-based system, just like .gitignore files. Much of time, wildcards are used to pick certain file-types to blanket track. e.g. git lfs track "*.psd" When a file matching the above pattern is adde...
To set LFS options that apply to all clones, create and commit a file named .lfsconfig at the repository root. This file can specify LFS options the same way as allowed in .git/config. For example, to exclude a certain file from LFS fetches be default, create and commit .lfsconfig with the followin...

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