Tutorial by Examples

Install Meteor On OS X and Linux Install the latest official Meteor release from your terminal: $ curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh On Windows Download the official Meteor installer here. Create your app Once you've installed Meteor, create a project: $ meteor create myapp Run i...
Meteor has several sample apps built-in. You can create a project with one of them and learn from how it was built. To create a sample app, install Meteor (see Getting Started) and then type: meteor create --example <app name> For example to create a sample todos app, write: meteor create...
Meteor has it's own package repository on atmospherejs.com You can add new packages from atmosphere by running: meteor add [package-author-name:package-name] For example: meteor add kadira:flow-router Similarly, you can remove the same package by: meteor remove kadira:flow-router To see...
Sometimes builds take longer than expected. There are a few environment variables you can set to better understand what's happening during the build process. METEOR_DEBUG_BUILD=1 (logs progress) METEOR_PROFILE=<n> (logs time spent) METEOR_DEBUG_SPRINGBOARD=1 (?) METEOR_DEBUG_...
Meteor Tool To check the installed version of the Meteor tool, just run the following command outside of any Meteor projects: meteor --version To get a list of all official (recommended) Meteor releases, run: meteor show METEOR Meteor Projects If you want to check the project version of Me...
The Meteor Tool will notify you when a newer release is available. To update Meteor projects to the latest release, execute the following command inside a Meteor project: meteor update In case you want to update your Meteor project to a specific Meteor release, run the following command inside ...
Meteor uses Cordova to package your application into a hybrid Mobile App. Once packaged, the App can be distributed like native Apps (through Apple App Store, Google Play Store, etc.) Add the target platform(s) to your Meteor project: meteor add-platform android meteor add-platform ios # Only...

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