Tutorial by Examples

The simplest way to understand creating and modifying SVG elements is to operate on the elements using the DOM Level 2 Core interfaces, as you would with HTML or XML. It is imperative that the elements created from JavaScript are created in the same namespace declared in the SVG element - in this e...
You can use either DOM Level 2 Core methods getAttribute(), getAttributeNS(), setAttribute(), and setAttributeNS() to read and write values from SVG elements, or you can use custom properties and methods specified in the SVG 1.1 IDL (Interface Definition Language). Simple Numeric Attributes For ex...
Using the mouse to drag an SVG element (or group of elements) can be accomplished by: Adding mousedown handler to starts the drag: adding a translation on the element to use during dragging (if needed), tracking mousemove events, and adding a mouseup handler to end the drag. During mousemove, tr...

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