Tutorial by Examples

To open an app with defined URL scheme todolist://: Objective-C NSURL *myURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"todolist://there/is/something/to/do"]; [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:myURL]; Swift let stringURL = "todolist://there/is/something/to/do" if let url = NSURL(s...
Let's say you're working on an app called MyTasks, and you want to allow inbound URLs to create a new task with a title and a body. The URL you're designing might look something like this: mytasks://create?title=hello&body=world (Of course, the text and body parameters are used to populate our...
Setting up deep-linking for your app is easy.You just need a small url using which you want to open your app. Follow the steps to set up deep-linking for your app. Lets create a project and name it DeepLinkPOC. Now select your project target. After selecting target,select the 'info' ...

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