Tutorial by Examples

Bold Text To bold text, use the <strong> or <b> tags: <strong>Bold Text Here</strong> or <b>Bold Text Here</b> What’s the difference? Semantics. <strong> is used to indicate that the text is fundamentally or semantically important to the surrounding...
The <mark> element is new in HTML5 and is used to mark or highlight text in a document "due to its relevance in another context".1 The most common example would be in the results of a search were the user has entered a search query and results are shown highlighting the desired quer...
To mark text as inserted, use the <ins> tag: <ins>New Text</ins> To mark text as deleted, use the <del> tag: <del>Deleted Text</del> To strike through text, use the <s> tag: <s>Struck-through text here</s>
To offset text either upward or downward you can use the tags <sup> and <sub>. To create superscript: <sup>superscript here</sup> To create subscript: <sub>subscript here</sub>
To mark some expression as an abbreviation, use <abbr> tag: <p>I like to write <abbr title="Hypertext Markup Language">HTML</abbr>!</p> If present, the title attribute is used to present the full description of such abbreviation.

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