Tutorial by Examples

2.1.x This example depends on Support Library 23.4.0.+. BottomSheetBehavior is characterized by : Two toolbars with animations that respond to the bottom sheet movements. A FAB that hides when it is near to the "modal toolbar" (the one that appears when you are sliding up). A backdr...
Make sure the following dependency is added to your app's build.gradle file under dependencies: compile 'com.android.support:design:25.3.1' Then you can use the Bottom sheet using these options: BottomSheetBehavior to be used with CoordinatorLayout BottomSheetDialog which is a dialog with a ...
You can achieve a Persistent Bottom Sheet attaching a BottomSheetBehavior to a child View of a CoordinatorLayout: <android.support.design.widget.CoordinatorLayout > <!-- ..... --> <LinearLayout android:id="@+id/bottom_sheet" android:elevation...
You can realize a modal bottom sheets using a BottomSheetDialogFragment. The BottomSheetDialogFragment is a modal bottom sheet. This is a version of DialogFragment that shows a bottom sheet using BottomSheetDialog instead of a floating dialog. Just define the fragment: public class MyBottomSheet...
The BottomSheetDialog is a dialog styled as a bottom sheet Just use: //Create a new BottomSheetDialog BottomSheetDialog dialog = new BottomSheetDialog(context); //Inflate the layout R.layout.my_dialog_layout dialog.setContentView(R.layout.my_dialog_layout); //Show the dialog dialog.show(); ...
BottomSheet DialogFragment opens up in STATE_COLLAPSED by default. Which can be forced to open to STATE_EXPANDEDand take up the full device screen with help of the following code template. @NonNull @Override public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) { BottomSheetDialog dialog = ...

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