Tutorial by Examples

To create a new project use the following command (HelloWorld is the name of the project and play-java is the template) $ ~/activator-1.3.10-minimal/bin/activator new HelloWorld play-java You should get an output similar to this one Fetching the latest list of templates... OK, application &...
The first step in you journey in the Play Framework world is to download Activator. Activator is a tool used to create, build and distribute Play Framework applications. Activator can be downloaded from Play downloads section (here I will be using version 1.3.10) After you downloaded the file, ext...
When we created our project, Activator told us how we can run our application To run "HelloWorld" from the command line, "cd HelloWorld" then: /home/YourUserName/HelloWorld/activator run There is a small pitfall here: activator executable is not in our project root, but ...
An "Hello World" doesn't deserve this name if it does not provide a Hello World message. So let's make one. In the file app/controllers/HomeController.java add the following method: public Result hello() { return ok("Hello world!"); } And in your conf/routes file add t...

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