To create a new project use the following command (HelloWorld
is the name of the project and play-java
is the template)
$ ~/activator-1.3.10-minimal/bin/activator new HelloWorld play-java
You should get an output similar to this one
Fetching the latest list of templates...
OK, application "HelloWorld" is being created using the "play-java" template.
To run "HelloWorld" from the command line, "cd HelloWorld" then:
/home/YourUserName/HelloWorld/activator run
To run the test for "HelloWorld" from the command line, "cd HelloWorld" then:
/home/YourUserName/HelloWorld/activator test
To run the Activator UI for "HelloWorld" from the command line, "cd HelloWorld" then:
/home/YourUserName/HelloWorld/activator ui
The project will be created in the current directory (in this case it was my home folder)
We are now ready to start our application