Tutorial by Examples

The main reason that Nightwatch is so powerful, is because of it's excellent configuration file. Unlike most other testing frameworks, Nightwatch is fully configurable and customizable to different environments and technology stacks. .meteor/nightwatch.json The following configuration file is for...
To get Nightwatch working, you'll need a local copy of selenium which is a command-and-control server which manages automated browser instances. You'll also need a web browser which selenium can control, such as chromedriver or phantomjs. Add the following devDependencies to your package.json: { ...
In the root of your application should be a package.json file, where you can define scripts and devDependencies. { "name": "myapp", "version": "1.0.0", "scripts": { "start": "meteor --settings settings-development.json&q...
A basic Nightwatch installation for Meteor will have the following directories and files installed. /myapp /myapp/.meteor/nightwatch.json /client/main.html /client/main.js /client/main.css /tests /tests/nightwatch /tests/nightwatch/assertions /tests/nightwatch/commands /tests/nightwatch/da...
Nightwatch accepts a second globals.json configuration file which injects data into the test runner itself, very similar to how Meteor.settings makes data from the command line available throughout the app. globals.json { "default" : { "url" : "http://localhost:300...

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