Tutorial by Examples

Constructor injection is the safest way of injecting dependencies that a whole class depends upon. Such dependencies are often referred to as invariants, since an instance of the class cannot be created without supplying them. By requiring the dependency to be injected at construction, it is guara...
Property injection allows a classes dependencies to be updated after it has been created. This can be useful if you want to simplify object creation, but still allow the dependencies to be overridden by your tests with test doubles. Consider a class that needs to write to a log file in an error co...
Method injection is a fine grained way of injecting dependencies into processing. Consider a method that does some processing based on the current date. The current date is hard to change from a test, so it is much easier to pass a date into the method that you want to test. public void ProcessRe...
Whilst extracting dependencies out of your code so that they can be injected makes your code easier to test, it pushes the problem further up the hierarchy and can also result in objects that are difficult to construct. Various dependency injection frameworks / Inversion of Control Containers have ...

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