Tutorial by Examples

There are two ids you will need from your plivo account. Replace authid and authtoken in this snippet with those values. The src value should also be a valid number assigned to your account. dst can be any number you want, or multiple seperated by <. notification sms { post = https://authid:a...
To send email notifications you need to add the following settings to your config file: #Using a company SMTP server (note only one can be define) smtpHost = mail.example.com:25 emailFrom = [email protected] #Using Gmail with TLS and username/password smtpHost = smtp.gmail.com:587 emailFrom ...
Bosun notifications are assigned to alert definitions using warnNotification and critNotification and indicate where to send the rendered alert template when a new incident occur. Notifications can be sent via email or use HTTP GET/POST requests. There also is a Print notification that just adds inf...
Alert incidents can be sent to other system using HTTP GET or HTTP POST requests. You can either send the rendered alert directly (using markdown in the template perhaps) or use body = ... {{.|json}} ... and contentType to send the alert data over as part of a JSON object. Another approach is to onl...
Swap out AccountSid, AuthToken, ToPhoneNumber and FromPhoneNumber for your credentials/intended recipients. You need to ensure that if the ToPhoneNumber and FromPhoneNumber have + in them, they are urlencoded (ie: as %2B) notification sms { post = https://{AccountSid}:{Authtoken}@api.twilio.co...
#Post to pagerduty.com notification pagerduty { post = https://events.pagerduty.com/generic/2010-04-15/create_event.json contentType = application/json runOnActions = false body = `{ "service_key": "myservicekey", "incident_key": {{.|jso...
In some cases you may want to change which notification you use based on a tag in the Alert keys. You can do this using the Lookup feature. Note: Lookup only works if you are using OpenTSDB and sending data to the Bosun to be indexed. For other backends or non-indexed data you have to use lookupSeri...

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