Tutorial by Examples

wxPython Phoenix is the latest version of wxPython, (currently Sept 2016 without an official release). It supports both Python 2 and Python 3. You can download a snapshot build (i.e. a Python wheel) for your platform and Python version here. wxPython Phoenix utilizes a largely automated mechanism ...
wxPython Classic is a Python 2 build of the wxPython library. Generation of the python bindings require a large number of manual interventions and the documentation is simply the wxWidgets documentation which contains some annotations on wxPython mechanisms as such there is normally a delay of weeks...
A simple way to create a Hello World program: import wx app = wx.App(redirect=False) frame = wx.Frame(parent=None, id=wx.ID_ANY, title='Hello World') frame.Show() app.MainLoop() Output: A more typical example would be to subclass wx.Frame: import wx class MyFrame(wx.Frame): def...
The wxWidgets project has adopted the release model used by the Linux Kernel project where there are alternating sets of releases where one set are considered "stable" and the next set are considered "development." For wxWidgets "stable" and "development" do n...

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