Tutorial by Examples

A ThreadPool is an ExecutorService that executes each submitted task using one of possibly several pooled threads, normally configured using Executors factory methods. Here is a basic code to initialize a new ThreadPool as a singleton to use in your app: public final class ThreadPool { priv...
One of the features that we can use with Threadpools is the submit() method which allow us to know when the thread as finish his work. We can do this thanks to the Future object, which return us an object from the Callable that we can use to our own objetives. Here is an example about how to use th...
Another good practice to check when our threads have finished without block the thread waiting to recover the Future object from our Callable is to create our own implemetation for Runnables, using it together with the execute() method. In the next example, I show a custom class which implements Ru...
We use ExecutorService to assign threads from the internal thread pool or create them on-demand to perform tasks. Each ExecutorService has an ThreadFactory, but The ExecutorService will use always a default one if we don't set a custom one. Why we should do this? To set a more descriptive thread...

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