Tutorial by Examples

The Client Script is one of the more commonly used, and complex, script types available to you. As its name implies, the Client Script runs in the browser, i.e. on the client side. It is the only script type that runs on the client side; all others will execute on the server side of NetSuite. The p...
Closely related to the Client Script is the User Event Script. The events of this Script type are again fired when a record is being loaded or saved, but it instead runs on the server side. As such, it cannot be used to respond immediately to field changes, but it also is not limited to only users i...
There are two types of scripts we can leverage for running background processing on a specific, regular interval; these are the Scheduled and the Map/Reduce scripts. Note that the Map/Reduce script type is only available in SuiteScript 2.0. The Scheduled script is available for both 1.0 and 2.0. Th...
Often we will want to build custom UI pages in NetSuite; enter the Suitelet. The Suitelet script is designed for building internal, custom UI pages. Pages can be free-form HTML, or they can utilize NetSuite's UI Builder APIs to construct forms that follow NetSuite's look and feel. When it is deploy...
RESTlets allow us to build custom REST-based endpoints into NetSuite; thus, RESTlets form the backbone of nearly any integration into NetSuite. RESTlets provide individual event handlers for four of the most commonly used HTTP request methods: GET POST PUT DELETE When a RESTlet receives a ...
Using the Mass Update script, we can build custom Mass Updates for users to perform. This functions just like a normal Mass Update, where the user selects the type of Mass Update, builds a search that returns the records to update, and then each search result is passed individually into the custom M...
Workflows can be somewhat limited in their functionality; for example, workflows cannot interact with line items. The Workflow Action script type is intended to be invoked by a Workflow to add scripting functionality to accomplish what the workflow itself cannot. Workflow Actions have a single onAc...
Lastly, we have the Bundle Installation script type, which provides several events that allow us to interact with the installation, update, and uninstallation of a particular bundle. This is a rarely-encountered script type, but important to be aware of nonetheless. The Bundle Installation includes...

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