Tutorial by Examples

`This way you will get the newest ruby but it has its downsides. Doing it like this ruby will not be managed by any application. !! Remember to chagne the version so it coresponds with your !! you need to download a tarball find a link on an official website (https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloa...
Probably the easiest choice, but beware, the version is not always the newest one. Just open up terminal and type (depending on your distribution) in Debian or Ubuntu using apt $> sudo apt install ruby in CentOS, openSUSE or Fedora $> sudo yum install ruby You can use the -y option so...
Probably the easies way to set up ruby on windows is to go to http://rubyinstaller.org/ and from there donwload an executable that you will install. You don't have to set almost anything, but there will be one important window. It will have a check box saying Add ruby executable to your PATH. Confi...
In this example we will use 'nokogiri' as an example gem. 'nokogiri' can later on be replaced by any other gem name. To work with gems we use a command line tool called gem followed by an option like install or update and then names of the gems we want to install, but that is not all. Install gems...
First UC in the example Gems $> gem install nokogiri can have a problem installing gems because we don't have the permissions for it. This can be sorted out in more then just one way. First UC solution a: U can use sudo. This will install the gem for all the users. This method should be frowne...
So the good news is that Apple kindly includes a Ruby interpreter. Unfortunately, it tends not to be a recent version: $ /usr/bin/ruby -v ruby 2.0.0p648 (2015-12-16 revision 53162) [universal.x86_64-darwin16] If you have Homebrew installed, you can get the latest Ruby with: $ brew install ruby...

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