Tutorial by Examples

Go supports user defined types in the form of structs and type aliases. structs are composite types, the component pieces of data that constitute the struct type are called fields. a field has a type and a name which must be unqiue. package main type User struct { ID uint64 FullName st...
because a struct is also a data type, it can be used as an anonymous field, the outer struct can directly access the fields of the embedded struct even if the struct came from a diffrent package. this behaviour provides a way to derive some or all of your implementation from another type or a set of...
In Go a method is a function that acts on a variable of a certain type, called the receiver the receiver can be anything, not only structs but even a function, alias types for built in types such as int, string, bool can have a method, an exception to this rule is that interfaces(discussed lat...
the receiver of a method is usually a pointer for performance reason because we wouldn't make a copy of the instance, as it would be the case in value receiver, this is especially true if the receiver type is a struct. anoter reason to make the receiver type a pointer would be so we could modify the...
Interfaces provide a way to specify the behaviour of an object, if something can do this then it can be used here. an interface defines a set of methods, but these methods do not contain code as they are abstract or the implemntation is left to the user of the interface. unlike most Object Oriented ...

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