Tutorial by Examples

This example shows a simple global definition of a complexType. The definition is considered global as it is a child of the xs:schema. Globally defined types can be used elsewhere in the schema. This is the most common form for declaring a global xs:complexType, it defines the child elements using ...
In this example we are creating a new xs:complexType (EmployeeType) based on an existing xs:complexType (PersonType). The construction of this is slightly more complicated. Because the base xs:complexType (PersonType) is considered to be complex (more about this below) we add the <xs:complexCon...
This is where things get a little tricky. We are now restricting an existing xs:complexType. Our SolidStateDriveType derives from HardDiskType but removes the spinUpTime attribute and the RotationSpeed element. Notice the approach for dealing with attributes and elements is different. To remove an ...

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