Tutorial by Examples

It's possible to pass variables from your server into Pug for dynamic content or script generation. Pug templates can access variables passed to the res.render function in Express (or pug.renderFile if you are not using Express, the arguments are identical). index.js let colors = ["Red",...
Content interpolated with bracket syntax will be evaluated for code, the output of which is included in your HTML output. title follows the basic pattern for evaluating a template local, but the code in between #{and } is evaluated, escaped, and the result buffered into the output of the template...
Interpolating values is helpful if you need to pass a server-side variable to client-side JavaScript (or other languages that require it). In the case of variables, numbers, strings, and the like, you can pass these types of variables directly into your JavaScript with bracket syntax plus an explan...
It may be necessary to nest HTML tags inside of each other. Element interpolation is done in a syntax similar to variable interpolation; square brackets instead of curly braces are used here. The syntax of interpolated HTML elements is identical to the implementation of normal HTML elements. index....

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