Tutorial by Examples

Govendor is a tool that is used to import 3rd party packages into your code repository in a way that is compatible with golang's vendoring. Say for example that you are using a 3rd party package bosun.org/slog: package main import "bosun.org/slog" func main() { slog.Infof(&quo...
trash is a minimalistic vendoring tool that you configure with vendor.conf file. This example is for trash itself: # package github.com/rancher/trash github.com/Sirupsen/logrus v0.10.0 github.com/urfave/cli v1.18.0 github.com/cloudfoundry-incubat...
golang/dep is a prototype dependency management tool. Soon to be an official versioning tool. Current status Alpha. Usage Get the tool via $ go get -u github.com/golang/dep/... Typical usage on a new repo might be $ dep init $ dep ensure -update To update a dependency to a new version, yo...
# It creates vendor folder and vendor.json inside it govendor init # Add dependencies in vendor.json govendor fetch <dependency> # Usage on new repository # fetch depenencies in vendor.json govendor sync Example vendor.json { "comment": "", "ignore&qu...

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