Flask has that feature which lets you stream data from a view by using generators.
Let's change the app.py
from flask import Response
from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep
def time():
def streamer():
while True:
yield "<p>{}</p>".format(datetime.now())
return Response(streamer())
Now open your browser at localhost/time/
. The site will load forever because nginx waits until the response is complete. In this case the response will never be complete because it will send the current date and time forever.
To prevent nginx from waiting we need to add a new line to the configuration.
Edit /etc/nginx/sites-available/flaskconfig
server {
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
location / {
include uwsgi_params;
uwsgi_pass unix:///tmp/flask.sock;
uwsgi_buffering off; # <-- this line is new
The line uwsgi_buffering off;
tells nginx not to wait until a response it complete.
Restart nginx: sudo service nginx restart
and look at localhost/time/
Now you will see that every second a new line pops up.