Tutorial by Examples: 6

Starting with C# 6, collections with indexers can be initialized by specifying the index to assign in square brackets, followed by an equals sign, followed by the value to assign. Dictionary Initialization An example of this syntax using a Dictionary: var dict = new Dictionary<string, int> ...
// assigning a signed short to its minimum value short s = -32768; // assigning a signed short to its maximum value short s = 32767; // assigning a signed int to its minimum value int i = -2147483648; // assigning a signed int to its maximum value int i = 2147483647; // assigning a s...
// assigning an unsigned short to its minimum value ushort s = 0; // assigning an unsigned short to its maximum value ushort s = 65535; // assigning an unsigned int to its minimum value uint i = 0; // assigning an unsigned int to its maximum value uint i = 4294967295; // assigning an...
Create a property with getter and/or setter and initialize all in one line: public string Foobar { get; set; } = "xyz";
var data = 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAUAAAAFCAYAAACN' + 'byblAAAAHElEQVQI12P4//8/w38GIAXDIBKE0DHx' + 'gljNBAAO9TXL0Y4OHwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=='; var characters = atob(data); var array = new Uint8Array(characters.length); for (var i = 0; i < characters.length; i++) { array[i] ...
Occasionally you will find the need to encode binary data as a base64-encoded string. For this we can use the DatatypeConverter class from the javax.xml.bind package: import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter; import java.util.Arrays; // arbitrary binary data specified as a byte array byte[] bi...
// Java: IntStream.range(1, 4) .mapToObj(i -> "a" + i) .forEach(System.out::println); // a1 // a2 // a3 // Kotlin: (inclusive range) (1..3).map { "a$it" }.forEach(::println)
// Java: Map<Integer, String> map = persons .stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap( p -> p.age, p -> p.name, (name1, name2) -> name1 + ";" + name2)); System.out.println(map); // {18=Max, 23=Peter;Pamela, ...
// Convert string to ArrayBuffer. This step is only necessary if you wish to hash a string, not if you aready got an ArrayBuffer such as an Uint8Array. var input = new TextEncoder('utf-8').encode('Hello world!'); // Calculate the SHA-256 digest crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', input) // Wait fo...
select LastName, FirstName, from Person Returns message: Error Code: 1064. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'from Person' at line 2. Getting a "1064 error" message from MySQL mean...
Introduction SharePoint 2016 is the version 16 release of the SharePoint product family. It was released on May 4, 2016. This example covers the installation of SharePoint 2016 using the Single Server Farm configuration. This configuration covers the basics of setting up a SharePoint farm without t...
The family of x86 assembly languages represents decades of advances on the original Intel 8086 architecture. In addition to there being several different dialects based on the assembler used, additional processor instructions, registers and other features have been added over the years while still r...
This example shows how to check permissions at runtime in Android 6 and later. public static final int MULTIPLE_PERMISSIONS = 10; // code you want. String[] permissions = new String[] { Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, Manifest.permission.CAMERA, Manifest.permission.ACC...
6.0 Since C# 6.0 it is possible to use string interpolation in place of String.Format. string name = "John"; string lastname = "Doe"; Console.WriteLine($"Hello {name} {lastname}!"); Hello John Doe! More examples for this under the topic C# 6.0 features: Stri...
Python has only limited support for parsing ISO 8601 timestamps. For strptime you need to know exactly what format it is in. As a complication the stringification of a datetime is an ISO 8601 timestamp, with space as a separator and 6 digit fraction: str(datetime.datetime(2016, 7, 22, 9, 25, 59, 55...
When Intel defined the original 8086, it was a 16-bit processor with a 20-bit address bus (see below). They defined 8 general-purpose 16-bit registers - but gave them specific roles for certain instructions: AX The Accumulator register. Many opcodes either assumed this register, or were faster i...
AMD is a processor manufacturer that had licensed the design of the 80386 from Intel to produce compatible - but competing - versions. They made internal changes to the design to improve throughput or other enhancements to the design, while still being able to execute the same programs. To one-up I...
Encoding //Create a Base64 Encoded NSString Object NSData *nsdata = [@"iOS Developer Tips encoded in Base64" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; // Get NSString from NSData object in Base64 NSString *base64Encoded = [nsdata base64EncodedStringWithOptions:0]; // Print the B...
You can diff UTF-16 encoded files (localization strings file os iOS and macOS are examples) by specifying how git should diff these files. Add the following to your ~/.gitconfig file. [diff "utf16"] textconv = "iconv -f utf-16 -t utf-8" iconv is a program to convert differe...
Node.js is built against modern versions of V8. By keeping up-to-date with the latest releases of this engine, we ensure new features from the JavaScript ECMA-262 specification are brought to Node.js developers in a timely manner, as well as continued performance and stability improvements. All ECM...

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