Tutorial by Examples: ar1

We will model the process #Load the forecast package library(forecast) #Generate an AR1 process of length n (from Cowpertwait & Meltcalfe) # Set up variables set.seed(1234) n <- 1000 x <- matrix(0,1000,1) w <- rnorm(n) # loop to create x for (t in 2:n) x[t] <- 0.7...
C++11 An unsigned integer type with the same size and alignment as uint_least16_t, which is therefore large enough to hold a UTF-16 code unit. const char16_t message[] = u"你好,世界\n"; // Chinese for "hello, world\n" std::cout << sizeof(message)/sizeof(char16_t) ...
set var1 to 5 //set the number to anything if var1 = 5 then say "Var one equals 5" else say "Var one does not equal 5" end if

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