Tutorial by Examples: boo

// default value of boolean is false bool b; //default value of nullable boolean is null bool? z; b = true; if(b) { Console.WriteLine("Boolean has true value"); } The bool keyword is an alias of System.Boolean. It is used to declare variables to store the Boolean values, true...
A boolean can store one of two values, either true or false boolean foo = true; System.out.println("foo = " + foo); // foo = true boolean bar = false; System.out.println("bar = " + bar); // bar = false boolean notFoo = !foo; System.out.prin...
var x = true, y = false; AND This operator will return true if both of the expressions evaluate to true. This boolean operator will employ short-circuiting and will not evaluate y if x evaluates to false. x && y; This will return false, because y is false. OR This operator wil...
Logical OR (||), reading left to right, will evaluate to the first truthy value. If no truthy value is found, the last value is returned. var a = 'hello' || ''; // a = 'hello' var b = '' || []; // b = [] var c = '' || undefined; // c = undefined var d = 1 |...
The searched CASE returns results when a boolean expression is TRUE. (This differs from the simple case, which can only check for equivalency with an input.) SELECT Id, ItemId, Price, CASE WHEN Price < 10 THEN 'CHEAP' WHEN Price < 20 THEN 'AFFORDABLE' ELSE 'EXPENSIVE' E...
The and-operator (&&) and the or-operator (||) employ short-circuiting to prevent unnecessary work if the outcome of the operation does not change with the extra work. In x && y, y will not be evaluated if x evaluates to false, because the whole expression is guaranteed to be false....
Boolean is a type, having two values, denoted as true or false. This code sets the value of $foo as true and $bar as false: $foo = true; $bar = false; true and false are not case sensitive, so TRUE and FALSE can be used as well, even FaLsE is possible. Using lower case is most common and recom...
Add the following target in your build.xml <!-- Bootstrap ivy --> <target name="ivy.bootstrap" description="Download Apache Ivy"> <!-- Define the version to use --> <property name="ivy.version">2.4.0</property> <!-- ...
Due to auto unboxing, one can use a Boolean in an if statement: Boolean a = Boolean.TRUE; if (a) { // a gets converted to boolean System.out.println("It works!"); } That works for while, do while and the condition in the for statements as well. Note that, if the Boolean is null...
Bool is a Boolean type with two possible values: true and false. let aTrueBool = true let aFalseBool = false Bools are used in control-flow statements as conditions. The if statement uses a Boolean condition to determine which block of code to run: func test(_ someBoolean: Bool) { if som...
The prefix ! operator returns the logical negation of its argument. That is, !true returns false, and !false returns true. print(!true) // prints "false" print(!false) // prints "true" func test(_ someBoolean: Bool) { if !someBoolean { print("someBoolean ...
The standard (section 23.3.7) specifies that a specialization of vector<bool> is provided, which optimizes space by packing the bool values, so that each takes up only one bit. Since bits aren't addressable in C++, this means that several requirements on vector are not placed on vector<bool...
docker run --restart=always -d <container> By default, Docker will not restart containers when the Docker daemon restarts, for example after a host system reboot. Docker provides a restart policy for your containers by supplying the --restart command line option. Supplying --restart=always ...
The OR (||) operator returns true if one of its two operands evaluates to true, otherwise it returns false. For example, the following code evaluates to true because at least one of the expressions either side of the OR operator is true: if (10 < 20) || (20 < 10) { print("Expression...
Option Explicit Sub LoopAllSheets() Dim sht As Excel.Worksheet ' declare an array of type String without committing to maximum number of members Dim sht_Name() As String Dim i As Integer ' get the number of worksheets in Active Workbook , and put it as the maximum number of members in t...
Now that the routes are defined, we need to let our application know about the routes. To do this, bootstrap the provider we exported in the previous example. Find your bootstrap configuration (should be in main.ts, but your mileage may vary). //main.ts import {bootstrap} from '@angular/platfo...
This example assumes you have already installed Java and Gradle. Use the following project structure: src/ main/ java/ com/ example/ Application.java build.gradle build.gradle is your build script for Gradle build system with the following content: buildscri...
Note: you need to install Boot before trying this example out. See the Installation and Setup section if you haven't installed it yet. Boot allows making executable Clojure files using shebang (#!) line. Place the following text into a file of your choice (this example assumes it's in the "cur...
You can reboot your device by executing the following command: adb reboot Perform this command to reboot into bootloader: adb reboot bootloader Reboot to recovery mode: adb reboot recovery Be aware that the device won't shutdown first!
Boolean(0) === false Boolean(0) will convert the number 0 into a boolean false. A shorter, but less clear, form: !!0 === false

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