Tutorial by Examples: car

public void setCardColorTran(CardView card) { ColorDrawable[] color = {new ColorDrawable(Color.BLUE), new ColorDrawable(Color.RED)}; TransitionDrawable trans = new TransitionDrawable(color); if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH_MR1) { card.setB...
As we can add multiple elements in Cart array and then add it to cart session, but there are 4 basic elements which Cart class requires to add data successfully in cart session. id (string) qty (number) price (number, decimal) name (String) And if you want to add more options regardin...
You can show cart items by loop through cart or you can display single item from cart. $cartContents = $this->cart->contents(); This will return an array of cart items so you can loop through this array using foreach loop. foreach ($cartContents as $items){ echo "ID : ". ...
Rowid : The row ID is a unique identifier that is generated by the cart code when an item is added to the cart. The reason a unique ID is created is so that identical products with different options can be managed by the cart. Every item in cart has a rowid element and by rowid you can update cart ...
By using rowid element you can delete an item from cart. you just have to set item's qty to 0 $deleteItem = array( 'rowid' => 'b99ccdf16028f015540f341130b6d8ec', 'qty' => 0 ); $this->cart->update($data); this will delete item with this rowid.
Sub Array_clarity() Dim arr() As Variant 'creates an empty array Dim x As Long Dim y As Long x = Range("A1", Range("A1").End(xlDown)).Cells.Count y = Range("A1", Range("A1").End(xlToRight)).Cells.Count ReDim arr(0 To x, 0 To y) 'fixing the size of...
Most special characters can be escaped using the caret(^). Take a look at the following example. echo > Hi echo ^> Hi This first command would not output > Hi because > is a special character, which means redirect output to a file. In this case, the file is named "Hi" Ho...
A single-value metrics aggregation that calculates an approximate count of distinct values. Values can be extracted either from specific fields in the document or generated by a script. POST /index/_search?size=0 { "aggs" : { "type_count" : { "ca...
it can happen that you use a scanner with the System.in as parameter for the constructor, then you need to be aware that closing the scanner will close the InputStream too giving as next that every try to read the input on that (Or any other scanner object) will throw an java.util.NoSuchElementExcep...
For connection, here is a snippet to help you understand: //Allows you to enumerate and communicate with connected USB devices. UsbManager mUsbManager = (UsbManager) getSystemService(Context.USB_SERVICE); //Explicitly asking for permission final String ACTION_USB_PERMISSION = "com.android.e...

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