Tutorial by Examples: char

public class IHtmlStringTypeHandler : SqlMapper.TypeHandler<IHtmlString> { public override void SetValue( IDbDataParameter parameter, IHtmlString value) { parameter.DbType = DbType.String; parameter.Value = value?.ToHtmlString(); } pu...
string sqrt = "\u221A"; // √ string emoji = "\U0001F601"; // 😁 string text = "\u0022Hello World\u0022"; // "Hello World" string variableWidth = "\x22Hello World\x22"; // "Hello World"
Apostrophes char apostrophe = '\''; Backslash char oneBackslash = '\\';
// single character s char c = 's'; // character s: casted from integer value char c = (char)115; // unicode character: single character s char c = '\u0073'; // unicode character: smiley face char c = '\u263a';
string helloWorld = "hello world, how is it going?"; string[] parts1 = helloWorld.Split(','); //parts1: ["hello world", " how is it going?"] string[] parts2 = helloWorld.Split(' '); //parts2: ["hello", "world,", "how", "is&qu...
String.Trim() string x = " Hello World! "; string y = x.Trim(); // "Hello World!" string q = "{(Hi!*"; string r = q.Trim( '(', '*', '{' ); // "Hi!" String.TrimStart() and String.TrimEnd() string q = "{(Hi*"; string r = q.TrimStart( '{...
The String type provides two methods for converting strings between upper case and lower case: toUpperCase to convert all characters to upper case toLowerCase to convert all characters to lower case These methods both return the converted strings as new String instances: the original String o...
String str = "My String"; System.out.println(str.charAt(0)); // "M" System.out.println(str.charAt(1)); // "y" System.out.println(str.charAt(2)); // " " System.out.println(str.charAt(str.length-1)); // Last character "g" To get the nth charac...
A char can store a single 16-bit Unicode character. A character literal is enclosed in single quotes char myChar = 'u'; char myChar2 = '5'; char myChar3 = 65; // myChar3 == 'A' It has a minimum value of \u0000 (0 in the decimal representation, also called the null character) and a maximum valu...
Consider a database with the following two tables. Employees table: IdFNameLNameDeptId1JamesSmith32JohnJohnson4 Departments table: IdName1Sales2Marketing3Finance4IT Simple select statement * is the wildcard character used to select all available columns in a table. When used as a substitute f...
String literals in Swift are delimited with double quotes ("): let greeting = "Hello!" // greeting's type is String Characters can be initialized from string literals, as long as the literal contains only one grapheme cluster: let chr: Character = "H" // valid let chr...
[0-9] and \d are equivalent patterns (unless your Regex engine is unicode-aware and \d also matches things like ②). They will both match a single digit character so you can use whichever notation you find more readable. Create a string of the pattern you wish to match. If using the \d notation, you...
In order to test the beginning and ending of a given string in Python, one can use the methods str.startswith() and str.endswith(). str.startswith(prefix[, start[, end]]) As it's name implies, str.startswith is used to test whether a given string starts with the given characters in prefix. >...
If you need to use the ^ character in a character class (Character classes ), either put it somewhere other than the beginning of the class: [12^3] Or escape the ^ using a backslash \: [\^123] If you want to match the caret character itself outside a character class, you need to escape it: ...
There are several ways to extract characters from a std::string and each is subtly different. std::string str("Hello world!"); operator[](n) Returns a reference to the character at index n. std::string::operator[] is not bounds-checked and does not throw an exception. The caller is...
Special characters (like the character class brackets [ and ] below) are not matched literally: match = re.search(r'[b]', 'a[b]c') match.group() # Out: 'b' By escaping the special characters, they can be matched literally: match = re.search(r'\[b\]', 'a[b]c') match.group() # Out: '[b]' T...
4.0 To uppercase $ v="hello" # Just the first character $ printf '%s\n' "${v^}" Hello # All characters $ printf '%s\n' "${v^^}" HELLO # Alternative $ v="hello world" $ declare -u string="$v" $ echo "$string" HELLO WORLD To l...
In order to get const char* access to the data of a std::string you can use the string's c_str() member function. Keep in mind that the pointer is only valid as long as the std::string object is within scope and remains unchanged, that means that only const methods may be called on the object. C++1...
Generally To use regular expression specific characters (?+| etc.) in their literal meaning they need to be escaped. In common regular expression this is done by a backslash \. However, as it has a special meaning in Java Strings, you have to use a double backslash \\. These two examples will not ...
While object property notation is usually written as myObject.property, this will only allow characters that are normally found in JavaScript variable names, which is mainly letters, numbers and underscore (_). If you need special characters, such as space, ☺, or user-provided content, this is poss...

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