Tutorial by Examples: completer

Future<Results> costlyQuery() { var completer = new Completer(); database.query("SELECT * FROM giant_table", (results) { // when complete completer.complete(results); }, (error) { completer.completeException(error); }); // this returns essentially im...
The following utility can be used for auto-completion of commands: $ which aws_completer /usr/bin/aws_completer $ complete -C '/usr/bin/aws_completer' aws For future shell sessions, consider add this to your ~/.bashrc $ echo "complete -C '/usr/bin/aws_completer' aws" >> ~/.b...
There might be times where you have a data frame and you want to remove all the rows that might contain an NA value, for that the function complete.cases is the best option. We will use the first 6 rows of the airquality dataset to make an example since it already has NAs x <- head(airquality) ...

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