Tutorial by Examples: compression

If you are optimizing all images manually, disable APT Cruncher for a smaller APK file size. android { aaptOptions { cruncherEnabled = false } }
Enabling gzip compression can reduce the size of the transferred response by up to 90%, which can significantly reduce the amount of time to download the resource, reduce data usage for the client, and improve the time to first render of your pages. — PageSpeed Insights Compression can be ena...
In order to use compression over the wire for a faster transfer, pass the --compress option to mysqldump. Example: mysqldump -h db.example.com -u username -p --compress dbname > dbname.sql Important: If you don't want to lock up the source db, you should also include --lock-tables=false. But ...
If you wish to make a complete backup of a large MySql installation and do not have sufficient local storage, you can dump and compress it directly to an Amazon S3 bucket. It's also a good practice to do this without having the DB password as part of the command: mysqldump -u root -p --host=localho...
In Solution Explorer go to your project, right click on References then Add reference… Search for Compression and select System.IO.Compression.FileSystem then press OK. Add Imports System.IO.Compression to the top of your code file (before any class or module, with the other Imports statements)....
The HTTP message body can be compressed (since HTTP/1.1). Either by the server compresses the request and adds a Content-Encoding header, or by a proxy does and adds a Transfer-Encoding header. A client may send an Accept-Encoding request header to indicate which encodings it accepts. The most com...
It is possible to compress an HTTP response message body more than once. The encoding names should then be separated by a comma in the order in which they were applied. For example, if a message has been compressed via deflate and then gzip, the header should look like: Content-Encoding: deflate, g...
The client first sends a request with an Accept-Encoding header that indicates it supports gzip: GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n Host: www.google.com\r\n Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n \r\n The server may then send a response with a compressed response body and a Content-Encoding header that specifies...
Exec sp_configure 'backup compression default',1 GO RECONFIGURE;
If we do many merge operations on a union-find data structure, the paths represented by the parent pointers might be quite long. Path compression, as already described in the theory part, is a simple way of mitigating this issue. We might try to do path compression on the whole data structure after...

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